Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hoot hoot!

 Will's Aunt Rachel visited last weekend, and bought him a very cute owl outfit, which he modeled earlier this week:

In my new owl outfit from Auntie Rachel!
In other news from my working mama world - I packed a baby spoon in my lunchbag today.

That's it for now!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Seven Months Old!

I decided I miss blogging, and that it's high time to provide a few more pics and insights into life with Mr. Will. It's only taken me 7 months to get here. :)
First, a pic or two of recent times:

This was actually taken around 6 months, when Auntie Amanda gave him this dashing, very Seattle-appropriate shirt.

Our little elf, relaxing on a very cool elfin bench on Whidbey Island.

Happy dance in the kitchen!
Speaking of happy dances, we did quite a few this weekend to various African tunes to get Auntie Amanda psyched up for her big adventure to Cape Town. We miss her oodles and oodles, and can't wait to hear all about her adventures!
Will is on the brink of crawling, which we will try to post via video. He's also doing a lot of hand-clapping, baa-ba-baaing, and hooting and hollering at Worden, his favorite member of our household (as his mama, that's hard to admit, but it's true).

Keep your eyes out for future posts, hopefully more often than every seven months. To come: Lucky and the Fat Lady, and The Case of the Missing B.O.B.

Love to all!
