After many requests from friends and family, it's time to get this blogging business started. We're already into week 29 (!!). Thanks to Amanda, we've got more pictures of the growing belly that is currently home to Radish. He seems to have gone through a growth spurt in the last couple of weeks, and is currently kicking away as I write. Not surprising that he is already demonstrating his dad's tendency towards action! Here are some recent shots (forgive me formatting snafus as I learn my way through this!):
Prepping for Thanksgiving Day in our kitchen

What's cooking in there?

Amanda - the best sister a preggo could ask for!

Amanda and Dave get started on Radish's room.
Worden was exhausted by the entire ordeal

The finished product - such artistic talent!

Thanks to you all for your love and excitement as we get ready to welcome this little guy into the world!
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