Dave worked extra hard to get the lights on the upper floor, i.e. roamed around the roof on a frosty night in the dark with a headlamp. Note Worden's glowing eyes in front of the porch - so proud.
Off to the Marten Law Group Christmas party. Yes, I am taller and rounder than our sweet little Christmas tree.
Alyssa and Dave: "Worden, meet Radish."
Worden: "Mom, I told you you'd get fat once you stopped running with me every day."
As 2010 draws closer my doctor appointments are becoming more frequent. Last week, my belly measured right at 31 weeks, and Radish's heartbeat was strong. We're both feeling healthy and energetic - his kicks and somersaults come at routine times (post-breakfast, post-lunch, post-dinner, and pre-sleep). I've started massage therapy for lower back pain, and thanks to that, the Snoogle, and a fancy chair at work, I've had great relief. We are grateful for the smooth sailing.
Looking forward to the pending invasion from the Mighty Mighty Vegters for Christmastime cahoots, and a little bit of R & R. Merry Christmas to all!
Cute Dave and Alyssa! I love Radish! Thanks for forwarding the blog to us so we can see your growing progress. We miss you guys! Belly doing well down here. Hannah has been sensing some change for awhile now and it has been challenging at times, but I think she will enjoy a buddy she just doesn't quite know it yet. Although I do remember days of whacking a sibling or two! We had some nice photos of her taken this month and I am so glad we did. Just capture her as queen one last time! Love, Katie