My co-worker declared that because we're just about 3 weeks away from Radish's due date, we are now in the "Baby Zone." I'd have to agree, as my thoughts turn away from the outside world and towards that inner world that Radish inhabits. His frequent kicks to my ribcage and ability to shape-shift the contour of my belly are reminders that he's getting to a point where he doesn't have a lot of room to move around. I also find my mind wandering to what his little face is going to look like, how big his feet might be, and how he'll sound when we first meet him. And, of course, some anxiety is creeping in - will he be strong and healthy? How excruciating will labor be, really? Will nursing work out? How will Dave handle changing his first dirty diaper? Will we get ANY sleep in those first few weeks? The rest of our "Zone" centers on his room, filled with both the necessary stuff and the just plain fun stuff that we're accumulating. I can't wait to see him cuddled up in his ducky towel, or snuzzling in his multitudes of fuzzy PJ's.
My visit to Dr. Block today went well in its usual efficient manner. I'm measuring at about 36 weeks, which she said is just fine as I turn the corner to 37 weeks. His heartbeat was really loud and clear today, and once again, strong and steady. She made sure that his head is in the right position, and said that it looks like he's "settling in well." It does feel like he's moved down just a bit - not really a drop, but a small shift in downward pressure on my pelvis. We discussed labor and delivery, and what our plan will be if he goes beyond a week overdue (I currently have two friends who are 12 to 14 days overdue!). Next week, she'll start checking my cervix to see if we're making progress toward the big day. It's hard to believe that we're getting so close, but I guess that's the case when you're in the "Baby Zone!"
Much love to all,
Alyssa and Radish
P.S. We are all very excited to welcome Dave home tomorrow from his long and tiring week working in Vegas. Yes, I do believe him when he says he was there strictly for work. :)