Mr. Will has been quite the busy boy! He is officially crawling now, and gets faster and faster every day (it's a little scary). He loves to head to the door in his efforts to get outside to see the birds, as well as to look at himself in the reflective door guard. His next favorite target is Worden's water dish and/or the dishwasher, depending on what we've barred off. He talks like crazy - ba-ba-ba-ba and da-da-da-da and na-nee-na-na are the "words" we hear most. His nanny is teaching him some sign language, including "more," "bird," "dog," and "milk" - so far, he's really good at "milk," but is still working on the others. As for the Frog Wrestling - we've found that his waking up no longer involves lying on his back and calling for us. Instead, we hear grunts and hoots through the monitor, and come in to find him wrestling the stuffed frog that shares his crib. He is always delighted to have us find him in mid-wrestle. It's pretty darn cute, but there are some night-wakings during which it's been hard to convince him that it's sleepy time and not wrestling time.
A couple videos of recent events at our house (please forgive my goofy voice in any and all videos posted). First, Will's first real crawling!
Next, Will and Worden greet JT:
Next, some clapping and crawling for Worden:
And finally, some gooey teething biscuit smiles:
Love to all!
Enjoyed seeing Will crawling and pulling himself up to get that dog on the end table. He likes that dog toy! Enjoyed hearing him communicate with Mom and Dad. Seeing him teething on the biscuit and kissing the camera was a lot of fun!